English translation:
The Norwegian Computer Society is planning a meeting about Published Subjects and global identifiers from 16 to 18 on May 27th. The program is quite exciting with four lightning talks, but the presentations are planned to be in norwegian. (We would probably be able to reconsider this and talk english if somebody not understanding norwegian would like to join us).
The meeting will be held in the electronic classroom at the University Library in Oslo.
Steve Pepper (Ontopedia) starts with a quick introduction of the need for shared global identifiers and an introduction to Published Subjects, where he also explains the terminology (PSI, PSD, ...)
Are Gulbrandsen (USIT) presents known published PSI sets and a few unresolved publication and discovery issues. He also discusses potentional sources of PSIs (for instance GREP, ISBN, Wikipedia, LinkedIn and excisting thesauruses).
Alexander Johannesen (Bekk) continues were he left off at Topic Maps 2008, Visions for a Topic Mapped Library, and wants to discuss the use of PSIs from a library perspective. (He has also promised to give us a quick overview over what they have manged to do at The New Zealand Electronic Text Centre (NZETC), Victoria University of Wellington. (NZETC got the Topic Maps Project of the Year 2008 award).
Stian Danenbarger (Bouvet) also continues from his Topic Maps 2008 presentation: Published Subjects: Small Pieces, Meaningfully Joined, and wants to focus on how we can add context to the discovery of PSI sets. - Who is using a PSI set, and how is it used?
Any chance of someone transcribing any notes into English and posting them here? I'd love to attend and am very interested in the "subject" but cant really justify the flights.
Is it August 27, which is a Wednesday, or May 27, which is a Tuesday? DND has it as May 27...
It's Tuesday May 27. - Thanks for spotting the typo.
We were planning to talk norwegian, but because of english speaking guests, we ended up doing the talks in english using norwegian slides. I haven't found time to do any translation of the slides to english,
We are however discussing doing a seminar on this in the fall. Probably with some foreign guests.
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