Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Emnekart 2011

The Norwegian Topic Maps conference, Emnekart 2011, is on february 10.

This year it is a part of Software 2011, which is the main conference for The Norwegian Computer Society.

Here's a few highlights from the english part of the program:

Best Practices for Publishing Linked Open Data
Graham Moore, Networked Planet

Many organizations and government initiatives are advocating and providing support for the publishing of 'Data on the Web'. This is a paradigm shift from publishing HTML pages for people to read, to publishing raw data that can be processed and interpreted by machines and people.

While it may seem a trivial activity to put data on the web, the fact is that many organizations struggle to do this in a way which is useful for their community.

The talk discuss and demonstrates the different levels in quality of publishing linked data on the web, ranging from simple files to complete Linked Data endpoints.

Topic Maps applications for Android and Iphone

Jan has written tmjs, - a Topic Maps engine in JavaScript. He will talk about how Javascript and HTML5 makes development of semantic applications independent of platform possible. He has some pretty exciting applications to show too. 

He will show how to visualize geotagged Topic Maps with maps and in an augmented reality browser.
Augmented reality means that you look through your mobile camera and get an annotated view of the world around you on the screen.

Have you even considered how to present a topic map on a limited mobile screen? 
- Jan has.

Semantic Repowering the Afghanistan War Diary
Benjamin Bock and Thomas EferTopic Maps Lab - University of Leipzig

In summer 2010 WikiLeaks released one of the largest classified military leaks in history: The Afghanistan war diary. In the news it was labeled a report, but for engineers it was merely a big and messy CSV file with largely unnormalized data. Publishers like Spiegel Online spent several months before the release, manually analyzing the data. With semantic tools this could have been much easier…

Visualizing Topic Maps with Silverlight PivotViewer
I also look forward to the lightning talk where Graham Moore gives a demo of how to visualize Topic Maps with the Silverlight PivotViewer.

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